Artuz Fitness Stock Photo by Victor Freitas from Pexels

Training or Working Out, What Do You Do?

Training or Working out If you visit the gym, which of the two do you commit to? Although these two words are similar, there are significant differences between them. Training and working out are two distinct approaches to exercise. According to Webster’s dictionary: Training entails a positive approach to exercising, while the word workout negatively…

Artuz Fitness 5 Mindset Methods For Fitness Success

5 Mindset Methods For Fitness Success

Mindset Method 5: Set a Schedule Before diving into your fitness journey the first thing you’d need to do is to dedicate that crucial timeframe for yourself and your fitness journey. Life is fast, and it can be hectic, juggling work, school, family, or any combination of the aforementioned can be stressful. It’s no wonder…