What is fitgoalx
(pronounced Fit goal 60)
is specially designed to track your sixty (60) days into your fitness journey, an essential tool for your next exercise session. Tracking your fitness journey can result in much better results than an unstructured approach.
This journal includes over 200 pages that will help you reach your fitness goals more quickly, prepare you for success in your health and wellness activities, and help you keep track of your progress. FitgoaLX fitness journal will work for any fitness objective, regardless of whether the goal is to lose weight, gain muscle or win a sports competition.
Track your fitness, health, and wellness activities and optimize your results over the next 60 days. Fitness tracking is easy with FitgoaLX. You’ll keep detailed records of exercise reps, sets, distance, heart rate, and more. Take your fitness journey to the next level with this effective journaling tool.
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 272 pages
- Item Weight : 1.05 pounds
- Dimensions : 6 x 0.81 x 9 inches
- This journal is conveniently sized making it an ideal addition to your gym bag
- Monitor your fitness progress and be motivated as you see your results unfold.
- Goal-Oriented: The FitgoaLX fitness journal was developed by a certified physical trainer and fitness nutrition specialist
- Includes body measurements, VO2 Max, RMR, and additional key calculations to set your baseline.
- Included are guidelines for muscle-specific exercises, as well as training recommendations for 2-days split, 3-day split, and circuits.
- Monthly and daily planners: schedule training over the course of two months!
important things
The first version of what is now the FitgoaLX was developed by Ken Artuz, a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist.
From idea to concept design, he continually refined the evolution of FitgoaLX until he reached its current version.
We present to you only the most significant elements that will offer the best results in helping you document your fitness journey.
For setting and crushing your fitness goals, FitgoaLX offers a scientifically proven methodology.
There is only one fitness planner you’ll ever need, FitGoaLX.
FitgoaLX fitness journals include three types of pages: Daily, Weekly, and Monthly for planning and monitoring goals, as well as additional pages for you to enter your bio stats. The following link offers a preview of all pages available in the package, as well as information about how to use them.
Similar to how you set goals for daily tasks, you should also set goals for fitness. Setting goals builds self-confidence and self-efficacy, which are both linked to increased motivation.
We all go through ups and downs on our fitness journey. Using this tool we can find out what we can do to improve. FitnessLX is a simple and easy-to-use journal that helps you plan and reach your fitness goals.
FitgoaLX is available for purchase at any of our scheduled in-person market events. Yo can also purchase FitgoaLX on Amazon.
Hence the name, FitgoaLX is designed to track your fitness progress over 60 days. We offer an undated three-month planner to allow you to start anytime you wish.
Our Monthly, Weekly, and Daily sections will help you stay organized and accountable for all aspects of your fitness regime. The different sections each play a part in helping you reach YOUR fitness goals.