Spot Reduction, Targeting The Fat Myth

Picture of By Ken Artuz

By Ken Artuz


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Spot Reduction debunked

Spot reduction describes localized extra-muscular fat loss. The legs, arms, and waistline are common areas for spot reduction. Advertisements for the latest diet product or fitness push the fraudulent notion that spot reduction is possible. Despite the claims made by run-of-the-mill fitness “experts,” supplements and fitness products cannot lose fat in targeted areas.

There are several reasons why a person may have an uneven fat distribution. The principal reasons are our genetics or age. Males and females also differ with localized extra-muscular fat. Post-pregnancy and hormonal changes may contribute to uneven fat distribution in women. A poor diet is a common reason for excess fat in males.

No two persons are alike. Therefore one person may have more localized extra-muscular fat in some areas than others. It’s unhealthy to create false illusions of wanting a body type you’re not meant to have.

Artuz Fitness Spot Reduction Pexels Karolina Grabowska


Photo Credit: Pexels Karolina Grabowska

Spot Reduction? More Calories to weight loss

If spot reduction is impossible, how can we eliminate stubborn fatty areas?
The answer is to eat more. It sounds counterproductive, but there is a reason for having a well-structured diet to lose weight. To clarify, “diet” signifies what we consume rather than its misused label alluding to weight loss.

Our bodies use fat as the most efficient source of energy for survival. Therefore you may want to avoid meeting your daily caloric intake to force your body to place fat reserves in places you may not want them to be. Keeping your metabolism running is, therefore, crucial.

Artuz fitness spot reduction


Photo credit: Pexels, Lisa Fotios

A common mistake for beginner weight loss clients is to eat more food after an exercise session. It’s paramount to replace lost calories after intense activity. Failure to do so will confuse your body into starvation mode, and fat will be stored, not lost. Replenishing lost calories also spares your body from cannibalizing muscles and committing to creating fat surplus stores.

Our bodies expend energy during digestion. This complex process increases metabolism. Eating small health-conscious meals helps keep our metabolism running while eating large meals at irregular intervals slows down our metabolism.

A slow metabolism will not help you with your weight loss goals, while a fast metabolism is beneficial.

Artuz Fitness Spot Reduction myth


Photo credit Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

Spot reduction? Resistance training is the key to success.

An exercise program focused on resistance training with moderate aerobic exercises is the second component of reducing overall body fat. Remember eliminating localized fat loss is not possible.

Performing hundreds of push-ups or tricep curls will condition muscles but remain hidden beneath a layer of fat. Instead of using a localized fat loss exercise program, target a different body part across several days of the week.

The successful fat burn conversion recipe is a total body circuit emphasizing twenty to twenty-five (20-25) repetitions for forty-five to ninety (45-90) minutes. The course should include the basics of pulling, pushing, lunging, and squatting to delve deeper.

You should conduct three (3) sets per category, twenty-five (20-25) repetitions in each group. Resistance training will convert the fat reserves into energy and develop/keep muscle tissue. The keys to fat loss success are resistance training and a structured diet.

In conclusion

In this article, we learned about spot reduction. Localized extra-muscular fat loss is more of a marketing scheme than a fact. Be on the lookout for the key phrase “for best results” with any product or supplement that promises to offer spot reduction.

In many cases, a disclaimer would state that an accompanying exercise program and diet would help with the results of the product or supplement. In other words, the product or supplement does not provide the benefit. Exercise and diet offer positive results.

You’ll need two factors to work in your favor to reduce overall body fat. First and foremost is nutrition, a structured diet where you’d eat less and more often to keep your metabolism primed. Next, you’ll need to create a program that combines aerobics and resistance exercises with an emphasis on the latter.

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